#48 Street that goes to the canoe launch of Zetamayolco(?).

#48 Street that goes to the canoe launch of Zetamayolco(?).

This is the 49th item on the glossary list, though it is labeled as the 48th and appears as such on the map. It runs eastward from the Plaza Mayor.
#48 Calle que va al enbarcadero de zetamayolco(?)

Translations and Transcriptions

English Translation

Street that goes to the canoe launch [or wharf] of Zetamayolco

Literal Transcription

Calle q va al enbar cadero de Zetama yolco

Standardized Transcription

Calle que va al embarcadero de Zetamayolco

Analytic Transcription

Calle que va al embarcadero de Zetamayolco



English Translation

Street that goes to the canoe launch [or wharf] of Zetamayolco

Literal Transcription

Calle q va al enbar cadero de Zetama yolco

Standardized Transcription

Calle que va al embarcadero de Zetamayolco

Analytic Transcription

Calle que va al embarcadero de Zetamayolco

