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full view, Scene 12

full view, Scene 12

"Here in the same place, Citlalpopocatzin was baptized, in the presence of Señor Don Fernando Cortes, Marquis of the Valley, who distributed our lands to us, as is shown in this mapa." [Source: Frederick Starr's English translation of the text found in the corresponding scene in the version he saw in the pueblo in 1898, published in his The Mapa de Cuauhtlantzinco (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1898), p. 15] Starr's footnote: "One of the lords of Tlaxcala was named Citlalpopocatzin: he, however, was probably baptized at Tlaxcala. This baptism appears from the text to have been at Chalco. The leader of the natives is named Coalotzin. Many “Principales” are present, judging by the show of scepters. The dress of Coalotzin differs from all others in the series." [p. 15]