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Plate 7, tributes

Plate 7, tributes

This plate represents a considerable quantity of maize (probably dried kernels still on the cob) that could be ground and made into tortillas to feed the warriors on the expedition to Nueva Galicia. Some of this supply might also have been sold or traded for other provisions for the expedition. In the upper left corner we see a representation of a cuezcomatl, a grain storage facility. The flag and the line may indicated that twenty granaries full of maize may have been required. Were these twenty granaries what was contained in the additional red bundles? What about the black bundles (400 bushels per) and the flags (20 bushels per). All of these counters show a corn cob, indicating that they all involve a number of bushels of maize. The building in the center with the dots above it may refer to the calendrical date 10 House. [SW]