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f. 12v., Quetlahtepec Tetitlan

f. 12v., Quetlahtepec Tetitlan

This is a place, Quetlahtepec Tetitlan, with agricultural lands that are supposed to measure 800 cords. From this land, the proceeds support the feast day for the patron saint, presumably St. Michael. Two wild, feline animals with claws sit on the land here. They have hides that are stippled with black ink in a way that suggests fur. The rest of their bodies are painted a golden brown and outlined in a dark brown. Shadows fall below and behind them, also painted in dark brown. The foreground has circular shapes outlined in brown paint. They are somewhat reminiscent of animal hides. But two of the circles, drawn in black ink, may refer to the two “tzontli” of cords (i.e. 2 x 400, or 800) that are mentioned in the text. [SW]

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[f. 12v., Nahuatl-to-Spanish translation by Florencio Barrera:] Aquí en Cuetlahtepec Tetitlan se extienden 800 mecates de tierra perteneciente a nuestro venerable padre [...] XXXXX, tendidos de ambos lados 00

English Translation

[f. 12v., Nahuatl-to-English translation by Stephanie Wood:] Here at Cuetlahtepec Tetitlan there are 800 cords [mecatl in Nahuatl; mecates in Spanish] of land belonging to our venerable father […] with it [i.e. the proceeds from working this land] the fiesta [for the patron saint] is celebrated. XXXXX. It stretches out on both sides. 00 [Note: The verb “tlalhuiquixtia” is found in Molina as “celebrar fiesta.” Here we have it in a reverential form with minor orthographic variances, such as “y” where one might expect “i.”]

Analytic Transcription

[f. 12v., Transcription of the Nahuatl by Florencio Barrera:] …can quetlahtepec tetitlan mani ontzontli mecatl tlali yaxcatzin totlazotatzin momilhihua yc motlalhuyquixtililitzinohua XXXXX huytlatztoc necocanpa OO


Spanish Translation

[f. 12v., Nahuatl-to-Spanish translation by Florencio Barrera:] Aquí en Cuetlahtepec Tetitlan se extienden 800 mecates de tierra perteneciente a nuestro venerable padre [...] XXXXX, tendidos de ambos lados 00

English Translation

[f. 12v., Nahuatl-to-English translation by Stephanie Wood:] Here at Cuetlahtepec Tetitlan there are 800 cords [mecatl in Nahuatl; mecates in Spanish] of land belonging to our venerable father […] with it [i.e. the proceeds from working this land] the fiesta [for the patron saint] is celebrated. XXXXX. It stretches out on both sides. 00 [Note: The verb “tlalhuiquixtia” is found in Molina as “celebrar fiesta.” Here we have it in a reverential form with minor orthographic variances, such as “y” where one might expect “i.”]

Analytic Transcription

[f. 12v., Transcription of the Nahuatl by Florencio Barrera:] …can quetlahtepec tetitlan mani ontzontli mecatl tlali yaxcatzin totlazotatzin momilhihua yc motlalhuyquixtililitzinohua XXXXX huytlatztoc necocanpa OO
