text in Spanish

text in Spanish

Six lines of text in Spanish with limited legibility. We have not yet attempted a transcription or a translation. [SW]
texto en español

Translations and Transcriptions

English Translation

A court case brought before the legal authorities of the mines of Taxco between the Indians of Acala (?) against the municipal governor of said town. It is remitted to the Illustrious Lord the Viceroy of this New Spain. It is .... and stamped. (by Stephanie Wood)

Analytic Transcription

¶ proceso hecho ante la justicia de las minas de tasco entre los yndios de acala (?) contra el gobernador del dho pueblo. Va remitido al Illrmo Sor. virrey (?) desta nueva españa. ce ...... y sellado. (by Stephanie Wood)



English Translation

A court case brought before the legal authorities of the mines of Taxco between the Indians of Acala (?) against the municipal governor of said town. It is remitted to the Illustrious Lord the Viceroy of this New Spain. It is .... and stamped. (by Stephanie Wood)

Analytic Transcription

¶ proceso hecho ante la justicia de las minas de tasco entre los yndios de acala (?) contra el gobernador del dho pueblo. Va remitido al Illrmo Sor. virrey (?) desta nueva españa. ce ...... y sellado. (by Stephanie Wood)

