church of Xicalhuacan

church of Xicalhuacan

This is a detail of the Christian church at the settlement next to the hill labeled Xicalhuacan. This church is outlined in black and washed with a gray. The church appears to have a flat roof. The tower has a single tier, a rounded roof, and a cross on top. The tier has an arched opening, filled in with black ink or paint. The main door or doorway is arched, outlined in black, and washed with a yellowish watercolor.
iglesia de Xicalhuacan
Detalle de una iglesia Cristiana en un asentamiento cercano a la colina de Xicalhuacán. La iglesia está delineada en tinta negra y coloreada en gris. Aparenta tener un techo plano. La torre tiene un solo piso, una cúpula y una cruz en cima. La torre tiene una abertura en forma de arco, pintada con tinta negra. La puerta principal de la iglesia esta delineada en negro y coloreada con acuarelas amarillentas.