seated nobleman and toponym glyph, Ytnona […]a

seated nobleman and toponym glyph, Ytnona […]a

This figure represents ”ytnona […]a” (Mixtec toponym), possibly meaning ”Steep Hill / Place of Saltworts”. The ”wall” above the figure may function as a logogram for yuhua (”city wall”) or náma (”wall”). These may cue the reading of the plant element in the toponym below the seated figure, since the near-homophonous words yúva and námá refer respectively to ”grass/herb” and ”hierba de jabón” (saltworts in English, Sarcoconia fructicosa) (see Rodríguez Cano 2015: 105, 107). The seated individual may be Yacaqu, who appears to the left and is connected to this person by footprints. [Jesper Nielsen]