indigenous lord

indigenous lord

This indigenous man bears a name glyph that includes the head of a deer (mazatl). He is seated on a throne and dressed in a red cloak, representing one of the sixteen indigenous nobles of Quauhquechollan that are shown in the circle around the image of the church. We know they are of the nobility because of the pictographic conventions of their being seated on thrones, their use of red capes, and a hand pointing forward. The majority of these nobles are accompanied by a name glyph and some have, in addition, an alphabetic gloss that identifies them. Unfortunately, the glosses are not legible. ---------- Este hombre indígena, sentado en un trono y vestido en manta roja, representa uno de los señores de Quauhquechollan. Viene con uno glifo de nombre representando la cabeza de un venado.
señor indígena