San Lucas with explanatory text

San Lucas with explanatory text

This is a full view of the abandoned community of San Lucas. It was probably an indigenous community that was depopulated as a result of the sixteenth-century epidemics. Its church had fallen into ruins, with only the walls still standing, according to the brief, explanatory text. The church has shading on the north side of the building. The main door is tall, curved at the top, and light. There is a bell tower on the roof, curved at the top, and it has a cross at the very top. The atrium is enclosed with what appears to be a wall of adobe bricks or stone. Interestingly, a rectangle around the church is shaded with black ink, perhaps a visual indicator that the settlement had been depopulated. At the bottom of this dark, shaded area we see an access point, where there is a detail that is like a rubric or the flourish of a pen. [SW]