a private estate

a private estate

This is the “labor,” an agricultural or stockraising estate, of a man (likely a Spaniard) named Agustín Guerrero. The house and fence are emblematic of the fuller estate. It has a prime location on the river, and it may have been partially protected from other people’s roaming animals by the wall that runs past it. An Agustín Guerrero is represented in notarial records from Mexico City, dating from October 10, 1580, and referencing an estate in the Valley of Toluca. He was giving a power of attorney to Juan Nieto. Notaría 1, vol. 169, leg. 6, folio . Archivo General de Notarías de la Ciudad de México. <http://cpagncmxvi.historicas.unam.mx/ficha.jsp?idFicha=1-TRP-169-221> An “hacienda” pertaining to him in the Valley of Toluca in 1597–1598 is also mentioned in Notaría 374, vol. 2465, f. 391r.–392v. Archivo General de Notarías de la Ciudad de México. <http://cpagncmxvi.historicas.unam.mx/ficha.jsp?idFicha=374-MOA-2465-277> Finally, his “labor” on this map is called an “estancia” on the other late-sixteenth-century map from Toluca that we also include in the Mapas Project. [SW]