

This is a detail of the text on the back side of the tenth folio of sixteen folios (also Book V, folio 4 verso). This text identifies this place as Huytztepec, where the land (pertaining to the altepetl, presumably) measures 30 mecatl (cords). [SW]
Detalle del texto principal de la contratapa del décimo de dieciséis folios (también Libro V, folio 4 verso). El texto identifica este lugar como Huytztepec, donde la tierra (perteneciente al altepetl, aparentemente) mide 30 mecatl.

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[V, f. 4v.] Aquí [en] Huytztepec, hay treinta mecatl (varas?) de tierra.

English Translation

[V, f. 4v.] Here [in] Huytztepec there are 30 mecatl (yards?) of land.

Literal Transcription

[V, f. 4v.] nicanhuytztepec manicenpuali onm... tlactli me catltlali

Standardized Transcription

[V, f. 4v.] Nican Huitztepec mani cempohualli onmatlactli mecatl tlalli.

Analytic Transcription

[V, f. 4v.] nican huytztepec mani cenpuali onm...tlactli mecatl tlali



Spanish Translation

[V, f. 4v.] Aquí [en] Huytztepec, hay treinta mecatl (varas?) de tierra.

English Translation

[V, f. 4v.] Here [in] Huytztepec there are 30 mecatl (yards?) of land.

Literal Transcription

[V, f. 4v.] nicanhuytztepec manicenpuali onm... tlactli me catltlali

Standardized Transcription

[V, f. 4v.] Nican Huitztepec mani cempohualli onmatlactli mecatl tlalli.

Analytic Transcription

[V, f. 4v.] nican huytztepec mani cenpuali onm...tlactli mecatl tlali

